We take for granted that the worldview that we live in is real. We make the assumption that the way we see it is actually the way it is. But is it really?
Our notions of the structure of space and time, the notions of the earth whirling in space around a central sun in a very orderly solar system ordered by gravity and centrifugal force, our notions of the irreversible flow of time from past to present to future, and our place in it; all of these notions are based on scientific discoveries, scientific theories that were all formulated prior to 1900. But what of our more recent discoveries?
All of the science that my generation (born in 1945) was taught in grade school and high school was 19th century and pre 19th century science. I studied engineering in college and I never had a course in Einstein's theories or in Quantum theory. What percentage of people walking around today do you suppose have had a course or read a book dealing with 20th century physics? Just a note: it is now the 21st century! The number as a percentage of the earth's population would be infinitesimal even the percentage of the educated dwellers on the planet would be hopelessly small.
When you consider what percentage of the earth's leaders are operating with a pre 20th century understanding of the world, there is no need to wonder why the same mistakes are made over and over again, "But there is no need to understand modern Relativity theory or Quantum theory to be able to govern the world", some might say. But what of all of the advances of the 20th century, in the humanities, in our understanding of ancient history, philosophy, sociology and psychology. Does anyone know anything of these? Or perhaps they do, but only in-so-much as to be able to use them for purposes that are driven by a pre 20th century understanding of the world. That is for aggression and the subjugation of one's enemies.
Does anyone know the relationship between fear and aggression? Those who would use aggression against aggression clearly do not. Is it merely an accident that the current regime constantly issues alerts: orange, red, purple, green, chartreuse with fuscia polka dots? Is is any wonder that so many people support an aggressive government? "We will be aggressive to make you safe". But aggression creates more fear and more fear, more aggression but no safety.
Our worldview is antiquated. We are driving into the future with our eye on a landscape generated by the distant past. Is is any wonder we keep driving off the road? We need better maps.