Dear Senator Spector,
What you have before you now is a choice of whether the United States will continue to be a democracy based on the rule of law and the protections guaranteed by the constitution of the United States or whether it will become a totalitarian state with all power concentrated in the hands of the executive branch with unlimited power to spy on the most ordinary activities of it's citizens. There can be no compromise on this. I hope you do not want your place in history to be that of the person who willingly handed over our democratic process into the hands oi powerful politicians who have no conception of the long term damage they are doing to our country and it's long tradition of democracy. If our government has 'carte blanche' to spy on us the threat from within will far outweight the threat from without.
You are a politician yourself, you know what will inevitably happen if politicians are given unlimited power. Our forefathers were wise enough to know this.
All of us are counting on you,
-Ed Fladung