Almost 2 years ago I started this blog as a way of asking questions about what is going on in our world. What was it about the way we think that dictates a world where war, torture, starvation, disease and genocide can hold sway? In the first post I asked these questions:
I look at the news and wonder what could the protagonists be thinking. Ariel Sharon, George Bush, Sadam Hussein. Are they just caught up in a conceptual universe that they confuse with the real one and by that confusion forget that they have a choice? Are they like most of the earth's inhabitants, just robots programmed to act according to pre-programmed cerebral constructs that dictate actions within a narrowly prescribed set of choices?
What is the program?
Who is the programmer?
How did it get this way?
What do you do when you wake up?
Over those two years I drifted from the questioner of the thought process to the witness of the fundamental inhumanity I was seeing every day. In particular it was the egregious and unrepentant use of torture by the government of the United States that appalled me.
But the time has come to let the other groups which are following and publicizing this issue carry on the fight and to return to what I see as the main problem confronting us as a race of beings populating the planet: our minds and our unconscious assumptions which dictate our actions and our folly. It's time to wake up!